Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hi Peoples!

We're Ba-a-a-a-ack!
Read on A Death to Remember by PyromaniacalCadaver or Appyllyna will eat you and your famila @ a cafe!
Go, now, rawr!

BTW: we are here to stay, beat that LKell

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This is Squama Number Two!!! The Advent Squama!!! This is the Squama preparing for Christmas. Squama made this beautiful picture today and I love it.
Good Job Squama!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sorry I can't Post a Squama today because Squama didn't finish today's picture so we will post two Squamas tomorrow, so instead there is a Llama instead
Thanks for understanding

Monday, November 30, 2009

This amused me.

Here, I finally joined. Happy?
Anyhoo, I found this on DeviantArt. Looks like we aren't the first people to make a squirrel/llama hybrid and call it a Squama... Oh well, ours is cooler.
Eastmangirl, you insult me. (Kind of, anyways...)
You were right about the posting, we will try to show a squama each day. Um, the side, where the list of squama breeds is located, is where you can find the types. Requests are welcome!
Also, I am working on the (new and improved) field guide of all the squama breeds. The picture just posted is an old one from last year. All squamas will be updated and refreshed.
Thanks for reading!
PS. Sorry Eastmangirl spoiled some of the not posted breed names! The list will be updated asap!

Hi, its Eastmangirl!
Sorry for all the random stuff Squama put up.
Squama and I have been talking and we decided to post a new breed of Squama everyday we can (not test and exams + Studying days)
So there is the first one The First Squama also know as the national bird!!!

So there you have it !
Wait for more Squama...


P.S. If you would like to see a certain kind of Squama just comment what Kind we can post it.
Some examples are the Christmas Tree Squama and the The Voting Squama!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I want my doctor to be a lord of time, own a big blue box, and regenerate...
Do you like Doctor Who? Watch it too!
My favorite doctor is the tenth!

I want the future doctor to be female! That would be awesome!
Italy says: Pasta! Fig newtons!

Do you like Hetalia? It is the best! Watch it!
Rome! Rome! Rome!


Happy Thanksgiving! (a day early)

The squamas say: Happy Turkey Day!
Eat a lot of dead Indians!
(Before Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving
the holiday we know it is today,on thanksgiving,
the Indians ate their deceased.
Yum, yum!)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Food for thought:
I have heard, "Friends are like potatoes, when eaten, they die."

"Quoth the raven 'nevermore'" -Edgar Allan Poe
Happy Birthday Poe!
Don't you love Poe!
What is your favorite Poe poem?
Mine might be Evening Star...
or maybe not...
Hi everyone again, please vote! (polls on side (arrow pointing there))
Also, watch the llama song and the Obama Llama song!
Obama is amazing! (His name rhymes with llama! Lucky...)
Hi everyone! I am the Creator of the squamas! (You probably know that already, I hope) The squama was created last year. (You hopefully know that too.) I am sorry for not redoing the site yet, I promise it will be updated.

Friday, February 6, 2009

IcyUmbreon saw this awesome poem, it is my new favorite:

"Latin's a dead language,
as dead as dead can be,
it killed the ancient Romans,
and now it's killing me!"
-unknown author
I know it's not about squamas but it's awesome, the squamas said they liked the poem...